Coming soon to
I have trouble completing personal projects that take longer than a weekend. I often lose interest after doing the interesting parts and procrastinate indefinitely on completing the projects since they have no deadline. In August 2004, I set a goal compatible with my attention span: "start and finish one interesting project every weekend". This goal helped me write a bunch of Firefox extensions and one or two Firefox patches, but of course it didn't help me finish longer projects. Now I have several half-finished longer-than-a-weekend projects piled up.
I'm hoping that this "coming soon" post will make me finish at least some of these projects soon. Also, you can tell me which projects you want me to finish first.
- A novel attack against something that was proven secure using a what I think is a poor definition of security.
- A proof that a popular puzzle is NP-complete.
- A list of some of Firefox's weaknesses, design elements that can lead to security holes.
- Security tips for Firefox users (current version). Since this document is already 7 printed pages long without screenshots, it may be more effective at pointing out critical user interface flaws in Firefox and Windows than at educating users.
- Security tips for web application developers (current version).
- Security tips for Firefox developers and extension developers (current version).
Posted on January 17, 2005 at 07:05 AM
in Mozilla, Research, Security
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