Bugzilla.mozilla.org tracks bugs in the Mozilla browser and other Mozilla software. Most of these bookmarklets should work at any Bugzilla installation, but you'll have to edit "collect buglinks" and "buglinkify" if you want to use them for Bugzillas other than bugzilla.mozilla.org.
(To keep bookmarklets in order to use them on other web pages, drag them to your Bookmarks Toolbar. Or, install them all at once.)
Bookmarklet | Description | Works in | |||
bug search | Lets you quickly search bugzilla or jump to a bug number. Details | ||||
shorten bug query | Removes unused fields from a bugzilla query, making it much shorter. Details | ||||
hide visited bug rows | On a Bugzilla search-results page, hides the rows containing visited bugs. Details | ||||
collect buglinks | Queries bugzilla to show a list of bugs linked to from the current page. Details | ||||
buglinkify | Turns all numbers on the page into bug links. Details | ||||
reference bug | Lets you cross-reference bugs quickly. Details | ||||
make link to bug | Creates HTML that links to a bug. Details | ||||
prefill bug report | Prefills a new bug report with your user agent and a steps-result-expected template. Details | ||||
open talkback links | Opens each talkback link in the page in a new window Details |
Browsers: is Internet Explorer for Windows, is Netscape 7 or Mozilla, is Netscape 4, and is Opera.
Lets you quickly search bugzilla or jump to a bug number.
If you select text on a web page before activating bug search, the bookmarklet will search for the selected text without prompting (IE, NS6, and NS4 only).
This bookmarklet uses Bugzilla QuickSearch.
Removes unused fields from a bugzilla query, making it much shorter.
sirLurxalot wrote this bookmarklet.
On a Bugzilla search-results page, hides the rows containing visited bugs.
Similar to the "hide visited" bookmarklet, but hides the entire row instead of just the link.
Suggested by Asa Dotzler.
Queries bugzilla to show a list of bugs linked to from the current page.
Background: bugzilla.mozilla.org is the bug tracking system for the Mozilla browser and several other projects. In bugzilla, the term "bug" is often used to refer to not only defects, but also missing or requested features.
Browsers: Netscape 4 doesn't support the DOM2 property childNodes, so the feature that the "first/last/prev/next" links are skipped doesn't work in those browsers. This bookmarklet is too long for IE XPSP2. Opera 7.53 gets link.pathname wrong, so this bookmarklet doesn't work at all in Opera.
Bugzillas: It should be possible to modify this bookmarklet to work with bugzilla installations other than bugzilla.mozilla.org. It doesn't work with the redhat bugzilla, though (why?).
I got the idea for this bookmarklet from Matthew Tuck's bug 12286.
Turns all numbers on the page into bug links.
For example, if the page contains the text "29346", that text will become a link to bug 29346. This bookmarklet ignores numbers that are already inside links.
Lets you cross-reference bugs quickly.
If you run the bookmarklet at a bugzilla bug, the bookmarklet creates a named window with a textarea and adds the current bug number and summary to the textarea. If you run the same bookmarklet from other windows or tabs containing bugs, those bug numbers and summaries are also added to the textarea. This bookmarklet is a workaround for the fact that there is no easy way to copy the bug number and summary from a bug.
Creates HTML that links to a bug.
This bookmarklet creates links in the following format, which I use for The Burning Edge:
<li>Fixed: <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=250407">250407</a> - Find doesn't work in Full Screen mode.</li>
Prefills a new bug report with your user agent and a steps-result-expected template.
Opens each talkback link in the page in a new window
Opens each talkback link in a window (or tab, if you force window.open() into tabs using Firefox prefs). Avoids opening multiple tabs for the same ID. Suggested by timeless. Try it on a bug report with lots of talkback links, such as bug 300572.
© 2000-2007 Jesse Ruderman (jruderman@gmail.com). Feedback is welcome.
Last modified Auguest 18, 2005.