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Bookmarklets for Testing Browsers

I've been doing a lot of bug-hunting for Mozilla, and several times I've found bookmarklets to be useful for testing browser features. These are the bookmarklets that tended to show the most bugs in Mozilla. (I've found plenty of bugs in Microsoft Internet Explorer with them as well, but haven't been keeping track of those bookmarklets and bugs as closely.)

If you've made it this far, you might be interested in this chart that shows how well various Windows browsers support bookmarklets.

(To keep bookmarklets in order to use them on other web pages, drag them to your Bookmarks Toolbar. Or, install them all at once.)

Bookmarklet Description Works in
Add borders Adds a green border around each element on the page. Details IE Moz Op7
Buttonify Turns the entire page into a <button>. Details IE Moz Op7
Rewrite page Rewrites the page using document.write(innerHTML). Details IE Moz Op7
reset innerHTML Rewrites the page using innerHTML = innerHTML. Details Moz
Reset body HTML Rewrites the page using body.innerHTML = body.innerHTML. Details IE Moz Op7
clone document Copies the document into a new window. Details Moz
clone slowly Clones page several chars at a time (to test incremental rendering) Details IE Moz

Browsers: IE is Internet Explorer for Windows, Moz is Netscape 7 or Mozilla, NS4 is Netscape 4, and Op7 is Opera.


Add borders (IE, Moz, Op7)

Adds a green border around each element on the page.

Mozilla/NS6 bugs: 60829 causes tiny drawing errors when scrolling some pages.

IE bugs: can stop images from loading.

Buttonify (IE, Moz, Op7)

Turns the entire page into a <button>.

Mozilla/NS6 bugs: 55285 caused extra newlines to be displayed (fixed).

Rewrite page (IE, Moz, Op7)

Rewrites the page using document.write(innerHTML).

reset innerHTML (Moz)

Rewrites the page using innerHTML = innerHTML.

Reset body HTML (IE, Moz, Op7)

Rewrites the page using body.innerHTML = body.innerHTML.

clone document (Moz)

Copies the document into a new window.

Crashes IE 6.

clone slowly (IE, Moz)

Clones page several chars at a time (to test incremental rendering)

© 2000-2007 Jesse Ruderman ( Feedback is welcome.
Last modified November 1, 2006.