2003-10-01 Builds
- Fixed in GTK2 builds: 102578 - Clicking wrongfully fires onmouseout (breaks some dhtml menus, css/edge menus)
- Continued regression: 219150 - If you use a hosts file to block ads, sites with <script src="http://adHost/putAdHere.js"> don't load completely.
- Continued regression: 219705 - Java crashes on Linux.
- Continued regression: 219693 - percentage height doesn't "work" in overflow:hidden child of body
Official Windows
aebrahim's G7 SSE2 and G7 SSE
Official Linux,
Official Linux+xft+gtk2,
Daihard's SSE (with and without xft+gtk2) and with inline autocomplete,
Yek's XFT/GTK2/DOMi/Venkman. O:AthlonXP + SSE