2003-10-25 Builds
- Continued regression: 223611 - Bookmarks toolbar is empty in all but first window.
- Continued regression: 223534 - alt+enter for opening URL in new tab doesn't work
- Continued regression: 222157 - View Source: Save as, Print, Find don't work.
Fixes for the first two (223611 and 223534) were checked in this afternoon, so those bugs will be fixed in tomorrow's builds.
Official Windows (Discussion),
MozJF's gcc,
MadmanNova's SSE2 gcc with SVG,DOMi,Venkman
Official Linux,
Official Linux+xft+gtk2,
Yek's SSE xft+gtk2 with DOMi,Venkman
October 25th, 2003 at 5:54 pm
In addition to the P4SSE2, I now build an i686 which (should) works on all Win32 systems.