2003-11-25 Builds
- 142459 - Shift+click on scroll bar should jump to that location
- 215857 - {inc}percentage-width blocks inside table cells can make cells too big
- 183940- document.formname.name doesn't work for radios with ID
- 205790 - do inheritance without layout-dependent computations (CSS2.1 change) (remove eStyleUnit_Inherit and nsStyleCoord::SetInheritValue)
- Continued regression: 225958 - plugins pref dialog is empty.
- Installer problem: 225698 - Tools Options Privacy settings not saved with installer version.
- Installer problem: 225530 - "Find in this page" does not work in installer version.
Official Windows
Official Windows installer,
MadmanNova's with MNG,DOMi,
cypher77's SSE,
MozJF's gcc
Official Linux,
Official Linux+xft+gtk2,
daihard's xft+gtk2 with DOMi,Venkman,
vande198's i586,
vande198's SSE2,
malcolmx's SSE2 xft
November 26th, 2003 at 2:29 am
According to the bug reports, both installer problems won’t be fixed until the 0.8 milestone.
They should remove the installer version from the nightlies until then I think.
November 26th, 2003 at 3:32 am
> According to the bug reports, both installer problems won’t be fixed until the 0.8 milestone.
A target milestone of 0.8 means the owner expects to fix the bug before 0.8 (but not before 0.7). It doesn’t say anything about when the bug will be fixed in nightlies. It is very rare for a bug to be fixed in a milestone but not in nightlies before the milestone.
> They should remove the installer version from the nightlies until then I think.
We wouldn’t have found those bugs if people weren’t testing installer nightlies. The purpose of nightlies is to let developers and other people test fixes and make sure there aren’t new regressions.
You don’t have to use an installer build, btw. Zip nightlies are still being made.
November 26th, 2003 at 10:50 am
Quick note: vande189’s build is from the 0.7 source tarball, not CVS.
November 26th, 2003 at 1:45 pm
It looks like Download preferences is broken.
The “Save all files to this folder” setting doesn’t seem to work, and neither does the “Do this automatically…” checkbox on the download screen. Also, the download preferences seems to be missing any way of changeing what folder is the default.