2003-12-23 Trunk builds
- Installer problem: 228672 - Installer deletes any non-Firebird files in the installation directory.
- Continued regression: 228648 - Some WinXP users report crashes at startup.
No official Windows trunk builds because Ben wants us to test the branch,
MozJF's Installer and 7zip,
MadmanNova's with MNG,Domi
December 24th, 2003 at 2:06 pm
Since early December — a change from the stable October 26 0.7.1 — one new consistent problem:
— some extensions (Adblock and Nuke Anything) have been failing to ask whether to install for All or This user — instead silently installed inside the Firebird application and so been erased with each new nightly. Differently, FlashClickToView has continued to politely inquire where to install and stayed around after replacing a nightly build.
And one inconsistent problem returned with 12/21 and 12/22 nightlies — LOGIN is again broken for Mozillazine and Spamcop (but not other pages).
I know this gets worked out; I don’t know enough to report it as a bug, but if anyone knowledgeable is also experiencing it, please say whatever’s appropriate.