2004-01-11 Trunk builds
- Installer problem: 228672 - Installer deletes any non-Firebird files in the installation directory.
No official Windows trunk builds because Ben wants us to test the branch.
No official Windows trunk builds because Ben wants us to test the branch.
January 12th, 2004 at 10:19 am
Just a thought : could it be that the 0.8 branch is put on hold until plain Mozilla 1.6 is released ? (Given that Mozilla Firebird share many components with it.) That would explain the lag in fixing the last regression bugs (blocking or not) like … auto-complete for this post :-)
They could even have the two going out at the same time by delaying Mozilla 1.6 and having a last bug day for MozFB with the 1.6 components.
Ben also talks about rewriting the mozilla.org front page. Again at the same time, who knows ?