2004-02-25 Builds
- Fixed: 234916 - Crash on startup on MacOSX.
- Fixed: 234962 - During install, license text does not show.
- Fixed: 235171 - newlines don't end unquoted attributes (regression) (Yahoo! Mail is yellow)
- Continued regression: 235129 - crash while exporting bookmarks
- Continued regression: 234976 - Installer crashes before finishing.
- Continued regression: 234966 - crash scrolling with mousewheel (for a few users)
- Continued regression: 234576 - Autoscroll crashes (for some users)
- Continued regression: 234116 - Context menu commands don't work in *subfolders* of bookmarks menu.
Official Windows
Official Windows installer (warning: many installer regressions),
mmoy's O2 G7 SSE2,
Lovharn's O2 builds with Flash, Shockwave, and different default prefs,
djeter's SSE,
bangbang's GCC SSE2
Official Linux,
Official Linux+xft+gtk2,
MrC's xft+gtk2 with DOMi,Venkman (SSE2 and non-SSE)
February 25th, 2004 at 8:37 pm
The OS X build starts up fine indeed. Thanks for that. But I’m seeing very weird display of some pages containing Japanese text (pages display fine with the Mozilla Suite 1.7a). It is sometimes, some chunks of text, makes it pretty difficult to track down. Some baseline shift (makes text-decortion:underline appear as strike-through), and it is only somepart of the page.
February 25th, 2004 at 8:52 pm
I’m using tonight’s OSX — thank you! It started.
Continuing to see the ‘official’ Javascript page
bleed through any other tab that’s subsequently opened or switched to, and even if it’s the only tab open, if I scroll up and down the Javascript banner part of the page is duplicated in chunks, as a static image, while the ‘main’ banner continues to scroll and, if clicked, switch directions.
One other person reports this in a Mozillazine thread and quotes some other pages where it happens.
I wonder if it’s only on _correctly_ done Javascript? Because this was, a week ago, happening with the NOAA satellite weather animations and those no longer bleed through, for me.
If anyone can say whether it’s a known bug, or should be reported, clue welcomed gratefully.
February 26th, 2004 at 5:13 pm
What a coincidence, I reported Bug 235733 today!
February 26th, 2004 at 5:52 pm
i cant seem to be able to close any tabs once i open them the close tab and close other tabs doesnt seem to work. i have to close the whole window and start new. is this a already known bug.