2004-02-29 Builds
- Fixed: 196474 - pop-up icon should appear in status bar before "About popup blocking" appears
- Fixed: 235129 - crash while exporting bookmarks
- Continued regression: 234966 - crash scrolling with mousewheel (for a few users)
- Continued regression: 234576 - Autoscroll crashes (for some users)
- Continued regression: 234717 - Right-clicking a in a *subfolder* of the bookmarks menu makes that folder inaccessible if nothing is selected on the context menu
- Continued regression: 234116 - Context menu commands don't work in *subfolders* of bookmarks menu.
No official Windows builds,
BlueFyre's O2 G7 SSE,
djeter's O2 G6 SSE,
moox's GCC
Official Linux,
Official Linux+xft+gtk2
daihard's xft+gtk2 SSE2
March 2nd, 2004 at 6:54 am
Feb 29 is a very nice release. I’m using djeter’s G6-SSE on my P3 at home, and MozJF’s version on my SSE-deprived Athlon at work. Both seem quite well-behaved.