2004-05-12 Trunk builds
- Fixed: 241210 - Newly created Bookmarks have a keyword of "undefined"
- Fixed: 159958 - Trunk M17rc1 crashes [@ nsImageWin::DrawToImage]
- Fixed: 243262 - [Linux only] Menus are disabled after Customize Toolbars until browser is restarted (since May 10) (WFM).
- Fixed: 243210 - [Linux only] Bookmarks Menu / Bookmarks Toolbar are Empty (since May 10) (WFM).
- Since May 10: 243387 - about:plugins broken
- Since May 10: 243386 - Find as you type text not shown in status bar
- Since May 10: 243221 - DOM Inspector broken in Firefox.
- Since May 6: 242768 - [Linux only] Crash [@ IM_get_input_context] (?)
- Since May 6: 243066 - just-loaded page blanks for a second.
- Since May 6: 242856 - Slow image rendering.
- Since ~May 5: 242745 - trackpoint scrolling support broken. (workaround)
- Since May 1: 242709, 242494 - Can't submit some forms.
- Since ~Apr 30: 242275 - browser window hangs on https certificate dialog (installer builds only).
- Since ~Apr 26: 241865 - Drag-n-drop link to download manager doesn't work.
Official Windows,
Official Windows installer
BlueFyre's O2 G7 SSE,
Lohvarn's builds,
bangbang's O2 G7 SSE2
Official Linux,
Official Linux gtk2+xft,
Official Linux gtk2+xft installer,
aebrahim's gtk2+xft
May 13th, 2004 at 12:49 am
Bug 243482 loos pretty serious.
May 13th, 2004 at 6:56 am
It seems that “2004-05-08 10:09 landing updates to default theme for Arvid” has broken Pinstripe appearance of the preferences window.
Can anyone file a bug (I do not have a bugzilla account)?
May 13th, 2004 at 5:06 pm
I can’t install themes. And Firefox Help (Texturizer) is claiming Javascript errors (which may or may not be the browsers fault).
May 13th, 2004 at 9:23 pm
Also — I can’t check this but it was applicable to earlier builds — when applying a theme, any open tabs would go blank along with the address bar. Making a browser full of empty tabs.