2004-05-22 Trunk builds
- Fixed: 240648 - 'Next' button disabled when last checkbox unchecked in Import Wizard
- Fixed: 203041 - Removing nodes with line wraps can crash (crash on file input) (#5 topcrash on the 1.7 branch)
- Fixed: 243757 - Crash when browsing airfrance site
- Fixed: 73409 - document.open("text/plain") creates an html document instead of plain text.
- Since ~May 20: "Finishing Extension Installation" dialog appears at startup and gets stuck (workaround: open another browser window, then close the dialog).
- Since May 11: 243315 - [Linux only] gtk2 builds don't start.
- Since ~May 10: 243482 - [Mac only] File upload control is broken.
- Since May 10: 243387 - about:plugins broken.
- Since May 10: 243386 - Find as you type text not shown in status bar.
- Since May 10: 243221 - DOM Inspector broken in Firefox.
- Since May 4: 243646 - keyboard shortcuts do not work on window restore from minimized state
- Since ~Apr 30: 242275 - hang on https certificate dialog (installer builds only).
- Since ~Apr 26: 241865 - Drag-n-drop link to download manager doesn't work.
Official Windows,
Official Windows installer
bangbang's O2 G7 SSE2,
BlueFyre's O2 G7 SSE
moox's optimized builds
Official Linux,
Official Linux gtk2+xft,
Official Linux gtk2+xft installer