2004-08-23 Branch builds
- Fixed: 247156 - Support non-jarred extensions.
- Fixed: 255654 - Remove "Work Offline" for 1.0.
- Fixed: Consolidate credits into two lists.
- Since August 21: 250396 - Download manager shortcut accidentally changed to Ctrl+E, which conflicts with Search shortcut.
- Since ~August 20: 256357 - Can't drag proxy icon to desktop.
- Since August 18: 256089 - Dragging links from pages to bookmarks doesn't work.
- Since August 10: 255123 - [Windows] Opening internet shortcut (.url file) restores second window when all windows minimized.
- Since ~August 5: 254525 - [Windows] Opening internet shortcut (.url file) brings error dialog when firefox is already running.
- Since ~July 23: 254040 - Incorrect address in address bar after typing phrase for I'm Feeling Lucky Google search.
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August 23rd, 2004 at 3:32 pm
does the plugin manager work on this one??
August 24th, 2004 at 12:51 am
why remove the offline feature? i remember when it was first an extension, then it was integrated and now its being removed again? why?
August 24th, 2004 at 12:52 am
why remove the offline feature? i remember when it was first an extension, then it was integrated and now its being removed again? why?
August 24th, 2004 at 3:16 am
Reason (from bug description): Our offline support is mostly broken and we don’t have time to do proper testing before one dot oh. We should remove this for the PR.
August 24th, 2004 at 5:31 am
August 24th, 2004 at 8:07 am
Re: Removal of Off-line
I’m only a “user”, but whenever I’ve used off-line it’s WFM. Still, I defer to those who program the thing as to whether it’s broken or not.
However, the decision to remove it appears to me to be too Microsoftian for my taste, in that it’s based on the date for release of 1.0
Is the date cast in stone? Why not find the time to fix the feature and release 1.0 once that’s done?
Lots of people work offline. So a pseudo-marketing decision that would see 1.0 released on a certain date w/out offline will lose acceptance by some.
Myself, I’m sticking with the earlier Branch releases which still have the ‘broken’ off-line.
August 24th, 2004 at 8:53 am
No offline, no styleswitcher, no Qute, … Firefox 1.0 is going to be a piece of crap…
August 24th, 2004 at 9:40 am
[quote]No offline, no styleswitcher, no Qute, … Firefox 1.0 is going to be a piece of crap…[/quote]
Oh, please… You can simply download Qute. Styleswitcher is not gone, just the UI is not exposed, there will be an extension to show it again it you really need it so desperately. Browse offline support was half working at best, it would apparently take too much time to get working properly to be worth putting time into right now. It’s better the developers focus on what is really important to get 1.0 out the door.
Also, you’re forgetting all the great new features like rss bookmarks, the new find toolbar, plug-in finder, better pop-up blocking options, working software updater, better cookie management, plus a whole slew of bugfixes.
August 24th, 2004 at 11:26 am
I think that they are doing the correct thing here. They first want to get a pretty stable 1.0 out the door. There will be an extension for the alternate stylesheet thingy so it’s not completely gone. They can always integrate it into a later version.
Plus, I’m sure it’ll be back in a nightly build shortly after the 1.0 release! If you can put up with a little breakage here and there, the nightly builds are great.
August 24th, 2004 at 4:35 pm
Have no idea what Qute is.
But didn’t know that Styleswitcher was being removed.
August 28th, 2004 at 2:43 am
I think you’ll find shipping a browser with no Off-line feature (extremely useful) generates worse publicity than one containing the exisisting function…