2005-03-12 Trunk builds
- Fixed: 255123 - [Windows] Opening URL from another app focuses an existing window before opening a new window.
- Fixed: 245829 - Download manager progress and title do not update correctly, wrong number of files and percentage after finishing or cancelling a download.
- Fixed: 188938 - Object should submit (name attribute on <object>).
- Fixed: 285244 - Open in tabs crashes.
- Fixed regression: 284978 - [Win2k/WinXP] After loading many large images, Firefox stops repainting (since Mar 5) (mostly fixed).
- Fixed regression: 283766 - XML error messages are missing (since Feb 21).
- Fixed: 283603 - The "tab"-icon in Options is the same as download-icon.
- Fixed: 285065 - Firefox preferences window leaks global object due to radio.xml cycle.
- Fixed: 181938 - Redirection should be something any protocol can optionally support.
- Fixed: 251751 - Firefox Help window should not be alwaysRaised.
- Fixed: 277657 - textbox.maxLength doesn't work.
- Fixed: 284098 - Error: aSubject is not defined when removing cookie.
- Fixed: 254056 - Focus lost when closing tab.
- Fixed: 277222 - Add current Firefox version info to the "could not be installed" version incompatible message.
- Fixed: 256243 - Unabled to remove downloads / navigate downloads dialog mouseless.
- Fixed: 278773 - Various toolkit code incorrectly constructs URIs (possible security issue).
- Fixed: 282057 - brand.dtd/brand.properties live in the wrong package. xulrunner apps cannot provide these files, which means they can't use various toolkit features.
- Fixed: 285000 - MouseTrailer handling needs fixing up a bit more. (Might have fixed a crash.)
- Fixed: 239563 - Crash if window.close() called in javascript such as 'onMouseDown' [@ nsEventStateManager::SendFocusBlur ].
- Fixed: 228829 - Crash on page with recursive frames.
- Fixed: 284993 - Changing tabs on modal dialog horks url bar. (Security hole?) (Seamonkey only?)
- Fixed: 241245 - [Linux] Auto download to 'Desktop' downloads to home directory on Linux.
- Fixed: 281979 - [Linux] Not properly setting application name.
- Fixed: 270988 - [Linux] Menubar higlighting not centered.
- Fixed: 270993 - [Linux] Autocomplete dropdown (e.g. url bar) has wrong background color.
- Fixed: 233461 - [GNOME] use of stock images.
- Since Mar 11: 285709 - Browser hang instead of displaying cookie allow/session/deny window.
- Since Feb 28: 284357 - [Mac] Opening a link to a new tab doesn't show the URL in the location bar (with "Select new tabs opened from links" checked).
- Since Feb 24: 284245 - Richedit/designMode not working anymore at blogger.com.
- Since Feb 24: 284664 - Mouseout events lost moving mouse out of iframe.
- Since ~Jan 22: 279497 - Selected profile does not always appear focused.
- Since ??: 273200 - Ctrl+W in Find bar breaks middle-clicking links, find toolbar, and back button.
- Since Aviary landing: 272556 - about: is broken.
- Since Aviary landing: 231361 - Download manager doesn't show downloaded filesize after 1MB if the filesize is "unknown".
- Missing from trunk: 176177 - History, Bookmarks and Highlight buttons don't have a pressed state in WinXP Luna.
- Since November on trunk: 269927 - Tooltip appears after closing tab.
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March 13th, 2005 at 12:23 pm
I’m having trouble with the Linux build: the browser won’t show. The last sign of life are these two lines on the console:
*** loading the extensions datasource
*** ExtensionManager:_updateManifests: no access privileges to application directory, skipping.
In the 2005-03-08 build I get the same message but the browser starts fine.
March 13th, 2005 at 1:34 pm
nice new layout :)
March 13th, 2005 at 3:40 pm
Per Ã…ngström: I’m not sure, but it sounds like Firefox is updating some files related to recent extension changes but Firefox can’t because it doesn’t have read/write access in either your profile directory or the application directory. Remember to back up your profile before you mess with anything.
Is anyone on Linux seeing GNOME stock images? I’m not seeing them in any dialogs or anywhere they should be.
March 13th, 2005 at 6:41 pm
Man I love this new layout. I still wish the links were on the left though, it’s kind of throwing me off.
March 13th, 2005 at 8:11 pm
The new layout’s pretty but the older was easier to read… Larger main column, among other things, so more bugs could be displayed at once.
March 14th, 2005 at 1:34 am
Yeah, nice layout, but could you make it wider or let it adjust to the size of the window? It is so narrow, every bug description covers multiple lines. Much of the screen ist wasted.
March 14th, 2005 at 7:27 am
Yeah, same problem here. Since every bug wraps to a second line now, the one post takes up 3 and a half vertical page.
I blame the excessive, pointless gray margins.
March 14th, 2005 at 11:36 am
I’ve look at your site, Scott. You’re not one to talk about excessive margins.
I think the new layout is just fine, there could just be a few SMALL changes. Here’s some constructive criticism for a change:
March 14th, 2005 at 11:43 am
The Burning Edge is a really great resource, but I have to agree with the others that it’s extremely difficult to read in the new fixed-width layout (and with the huge header). Would it be possible to serve the old style sheet for the Burning Edge pages and just use the new layout for the rest of SquareFree? It’d make the B.E. a whole lot easier to read (and also maintain consistency with the Rumbling Edge, for what that’s worth).
Thanks for providing this great service.
March 14th, 2005 at 1:52 pm
I just switched from Movable Type to WordPress. This is just the default WordPress theme; I’m not too attached to it. I plan to do something about the fixed-widthness, either by finding a new theme, or by ripping out large parts of this theme’s stylesheet and then reimplementing something similar to the old layout (which was based on Movable Type’s default).
March 14th, 2005 at 1:56 pm
This is the wordpress default template :). It’s ok but at least streach it a bit and make the text right aligned.
The rest can stay as is, also I was just wondering, why the change to wp?
March 14th, 2005 at 5:16 pm
Cool layout.
March 14th, 2005 at 5:33 pm
I talked about why I switched to WordPress in this post on my other blog.
March 14th, 2005 at 8:04 pm
Glad to see this isn’t going to be permanent. The new WordPress default theme is rather bland, as many has said it’s too narrow and the header is just far too big.
March 15th, 2005 at 4:22 am
great new theme. please make variable width, or at least wider . Ta
March 15th, 2005 at 7:34 am
The about: bug has at long last been fixed!
March 15th, 2005 at 12:47 pm
Could the new layout possibly be made to scale better horizontally to your actual screen width. Now I run in 1280×1024 and have plenty space both sized and a super word-wrapped column for the trunk builds. :-/
March 16th, 2005 at 6:54 am
I’m thinking of switching to a fluid layout with no sidebar. Mockup
For reference, here’s the old two-column layout I used when I used Movable Type.
March 16th, 2005 at 7:15 am
Longtime visitor, first time poster :-)
Let me tell you how valuable the Burning Edge is to me: EXTREMELY
Now for feedback on the new one, I agree with pretty much everyone else about the narrow look… “ick”
I love the one-column approach.
Being able to see pretty much one per line is great.
March 16th, 2005 at 7:35 am
My bit: the sidebar is useful… One column’s one column too few.
March 16th, 2005 at 12:27 pm
Briefly going off-topic (grin)
— I’ve seen odd font substitutions with OSX nightly lately and looking at forums I see various people reporting text showing up wrong, not being able to fix the problem. I haven’t found this explained anywhere nor a bug report, and am not sure if it’s all the same problem.
March 17th, 2005 at 1:05 am
Two layout mockups: One-column, Two-column. The two-column layout has a sidebar. The one-column layout has no sidebar, and instead has navigation links at the top: FAQ, Release changelogs, Links, Archive, RSS, Search. Both layouts are fluid rather than fixed-width.
Which layout do you prefer?
March 17th, 2005 at 1:17 am
Two column, personally.
March 17th, 2005 at 5:08 am
Two-column would get my vote also, though I’m probably biased by the fact that I’m browsing at a fairly high resolution. I guess the narrower your browser window gets, the more appealing one column becomes…
March 17th, 2005 at 7:14 am
Either one works for me. though I have never used the sidebar. But my resolution is high enough that it’s not in the way, either.
It’s true that a single column does look a little too much like a vast expanse of mush, while two gives a little more structure.
I think as long as it’s fluid and doesn’t have hugs margins, you won’t get many complaints about either of those.
March 17th, 2005 at 10:07 am
Why not provide a theme switcher? I’m fairly sure there are WordPress plugins that allow just that.
March 19th, 2005 at 6:01 am
Two column please, though there could be a /little/ bit more space between the columns. Just a bit more ‘whitespace’ inside the green / red lists so the text isn’t right up against the edges.
March 19th, 2005 at 6:03 am
On second thought… two columns looks great as is.
March 21st, 2005 at 12:42 am
Probably very stupid question, but what is difference between green part and red part of bug fixes ?
March 21st, 2005 at 3:49 am
Well, the red part isn’t bug fixes, that’s the green part. The red part is known bugs / problems / regressions etc.
March 22nd, 2005 at 2:49 pm
why no burning edge update in 10 days? noticed a bug in the 3/22 build – if second level bookmark menu expands to the right, you can’t select any of the bookmarks in the second level. move the browser to the right side of the screen so the bookmark menu expands to the left and you can select the bookmarks then.
March 23rd, 2005 at 8:38 am
Make that 11 days :(
March 23rd, 2005 at 4:14 pm
I’d say either Jesse is busy, or there just haven’t been any major differences to warrant rushing out and getting the latest nightly. No big deal… the nightlies are still there, and so is the checkin info.
March 23rd, 2005 at 7:56 pm
Whenever there are delays in updates here, I simply use bonsaibugs.org, also linked to the left on his main page.
For example, fixed Firefox bugs 2005-03-23: (green text here)
As a bonus, you also get interesting/noteworthy fixes highlighted.
… and known regressions: (red text here)
And particularly bad regressions highlighted there.
I like those more than hunting the build discussion threads on MozillaZine myself, besides it’s so much junk going on in those posts :)
March 23rd, 2005 at 8:01 pm
Hmm, what, my comment didn’t appear??
Oh well, I was just posting a tip on using bonsaibugs.org if you really want to bug fixing progress and regression tracking.
Today’s build…
Fixes: http://bonsaibugs.org/pyblosxom.cgi/firefox/2005-03-23? (“green” here)
Regressions: http://bonsaibugs.org/pyblosxom.cgi/firefox/regressions/regressions-2005-03-20? (“red” here)
Noteworthy fixes/regressions are highlighted too.
Links to the latest Fx build on that site is to the left on this site.
March 24th, 2005 at 2:51 pm
Sometimes it takes a few seconds, sometimes your browser cache simply doesn’t pick up the change. Be sure and try a shift+refresh. Like the new(er), improved layout!
March 24th, 2005 at 6:31 pm
Jugulator, your comments didn’t show up right away because they contained enough links to make me have to moderate them. When I add comments that require moderation, I see my comment in place with a message like “other readers don’t see your comment yet because it is awaiting moderation”; I don’t know why you didn’t see that message.
Tony, I’ve switched to WordPress, so you shouldn’t need to reload to see the page.
March 25th, 2005 at 1:51 pm
The new layout is wonderful. Clean, stylish, functional. Thank you. :-)
March 28th, 2005 at 1:53 pm
Jesse – The new layout is really great. It’s nice to have some extra color with my firefox updates!
I’m wondering if you’re taking a break from updating the Burning Edge or something like that? No pressure, just curious.
March 28th, 2005 at 3:43 pm
Links for this nightly have been taken down by Mozilla.
March 29th, 2005 at 12:29 pm
Any time frame about when the next build will be ready?
March 30th, 2005 at 3:18 am
Hey guys, is it normal that when I try to open an URL from mIRC it open me the page how if it is a file in my pc if it’s without the “http:” (it open me the file file://drive:/folder/www.page.com) is it a bug? I think so…
March 30th, 2005 at 5:50 pm
ft, I think that’s good behaviour not a bug. If the user fails to specify the protocol in the URL it should default to a local resolution to prevent all kinds of security issues (spoofing attacks, unexpected automatic dialup to the internet, etc)
In short, if you can’t type a URL, its not a browser bug.
March 30th, 2005 at 11:41 pm
Sean, builds come out every day. I’ve just been too busy to update The Burning Edge. An update takes me about 30 minutes per day since the last update.
March 31st, 2005 at 6:32 pm
285709, 284664, 272556, 231361, and 176177 are all fixed.
April 1st, 2005 at 12:12 am
Sean here is the link to the latest trunk version of firefox.
Also to any linux users that use the truck try out my script here.Makes it easy to install trunk(And the latest offical release too :).
April 1st, 2005 at 2:45 am
Laziness is a virtue… :P
April 2nd, 2005 at 12:56 pm
Aviary 1.0.3 today —> firefox-1.0.3.en-US.mac.dmg 02-Apr-2005 08:43 8.7M