Firefox 1.0.4 candidates
These are release candidates for Firefox 1.0.4. If you've been following Asa's blog, these candidates are the ones he calls final (hopefully) 1.0.4 candidates. I hadn't posted earlier candidates because they didn't contain fixes for all of the blocking security holes.
There is a post about these builds on Asa's blog. If you think you've found a regression, please report it using IRC or post a comment on Asa's blog entry. If no problems come up, these builds will become Firefox 1.0.4 tonight (PDT).
Please help test these builds. Trunk doesn't have all the security fixes, and testing 1.0.4 candidates should be more fun than disabling JavaScript or only visiting sites you trust. If you've been using trunk, be sure to install this build into a different directory, because installing 1.0.x on top of trunk can cause problems. I don't know whether you'll need to create a new profile.
Security fixes in Firefox 1.0.4:
- Fixed: 292691#c5 - XSS security hole involving frames and javascript: URLs. Regression in Firefox 1.0.3.
- Fixed: 292691#c14 - Sites whitelisted for extension installation can execute arbitrary code by abusing a security hole in the extension-installation dialog. Regression in Firefox 1.0.3. Firefox only (not in Mozilla suite).
- Fixed: 290949 - <link> tag still allows to execute arbitrary code without user interaction (variant of 290036, which was fixed in Firefox 1.0.3).
- Fixed: 290908 - (Security hole involving new Script(). Regression in Firefox 1.0.3.)
- Fixed: 290982 - (Security hole involving jar:, view-source: protocols)
- Fixed: 293671 - (Security hole involving nested jar:, view-source: protocols)
All other fixes in Firefox 1.0.4:
- Fixed: 290777 - Regression in defining getters on prototypes in content script. (aka The Firefox 1.0.3 DHTML regression.)
- Fixed: 290476 - js_AllocStack doesn't clear space it returns.
- Fixed: 280137 - [OS/2] Get rid of PMWINX dependency.
- Fixed: 272369 - [S390] firefox -register results in SIGSEGV.
- Fixed: 264324 - [S390] Incorrect defines in s390/s390x.
Official Windows,
Official Windows installer
May 11th, 2005 at 5:21 pm
Thanks! What should we be looking out for? Half the security fixes bugs say “access deneid”.
May 11th, 2005 at 5:46 pm
Look for regressions, especially regressions involving the features that have changed.
May 11th, 2005 at 8:19 pm
The official release has been released on the main firefox website.
May 11th, 2005 at 9:24 pm
something on the mac version… the apple key + forward does not go forward anymore, but the apple + back key goes back. Anyone else having this problem? Also, why are there no longer links to the G4 optimized builds of Firefox? Are they using different builds?
May 11th, 2005 at 10:43 pm
[…] urning Edge Developments in nightly builds of Mozilla Firefox « Firefox 1.0.4 candidates Firefox 1.0.4 released […]
May 11th, 2005 at 11:18 pm
This changelog has been copied to
May 12th, 2005 at 10:27 am
[…] curity vulnerabilities that were recently reported on a security site. Complete changelog can be found here. “A proof of co […]
May 12th, 2005 at 10:31 am
The recent spate of security vulnerabilities in Firefox’s Javascript engine and the media coverage of these vulnerabilities are making it hard to sell Firefox to my friends as a more secure alternative to IE. I haven’t read any thoughts from the Firefox Drivers on this issue but a cursorily glance at critical vulnerabilities in Firefox since its release and IE shows that Firefox has had many more *Critical* holes in the same period of time than IE. Does Firefox need to undergo a serious *Security* review?
May 12th, 2005 at 2:11 pm
Manoj: We don’t even know how many critical vulnerabilities IE has so how could you possibly compare the two and decide that firefox has more?
May 12th, 2005 at 8:33 pm
I vaguely recall hearing about some studies that concluded the vulnerabilities in IE are *perhaps* less frequent, but when they do crop up they tend to be more severe and last longer before being patched. This slashdot article, and the ensuing discussion, is (I believe) where I heard this.
May 13th, 2005 at 7:18 am
My data comes from bug traq queries and the slashdot article pointed to by Westacular.
May 15th, 2005 at 3:48 am
[…] 05-14 Trunk builds
Security fixes:
Fixed: All security bugs that were fixed for Firefox 1.0.4.
Fixed: 292589 – Security hole, might not affec […]
May 16th, 2005 at 12:56 pm
Firefox Security – a marketing mistake…
While the Firefox browser may have been designed with security in mind and was specifically targetted at blocking the common methods for web-based spyware and malware – the marketing tactic has backfired.