2006-04-29 Trunk builds


  • Fixed: 232272 - Search engine manager. This lets you rearrange and remove search engines shown in the search bar.
  • Fixed: 334261 - Avoid creating unnecessary objects for primitives.
  • Fixed: 335733 - FindChildWithRules should use an MRU cache.

Fixes for recent regressions:

  • Fixed: 335663 - Deleting Text in Input-Field with Backspace produce Artefacts of Caret (since ~Apr 27).
  • Fixed: 334649 - Caret turd in textarea when zooming.
  • Fixed: 335474 - Topcrash in [@ nsCSSRendering::DrawDashedSides] (e.g. when tabbing between fields) (since ~Apr 25).
  • Fixed: 324961 - Live bookmark is shown in UTF8 even if should be ISO-8859-1 (since Jan 31).
  • Fixed: 327184 - [Linux] CSS property letter-spacing rendered incorrectly.
  • Fixed: 335785 - Wrapper reparenting leak on Gmail.

Trunk regressions:

  • Since ~Apr 27: 335747 - Crash when an extension is disabled and the next is selected (in addons manager new style) (with some versions of Console2 extension installed) [@ xpcom_core.dll]. (Workaround: upgrade to Console²
  • Since Apr 18: 334616 - [Windows] Crash just after Starting Firefox [@ ntdll.dll].
  • Since VC8/Cairo: 328428 - [Windows] Talkback causes (VC8) build to crash, Win2k-only [@ ntdll.dll].
  • Since VC8/Cairo: 329237 - [Windows] Firefox uninstaller fails.
  • Since Cairo: 330715 - Cairo incorrectly substitutes fonts and then bolds them incorrectly (incorrect fonts on Burning Edge bug lists).
  • Since Cairo: 324707 - Animated GIFs leave trails / don't erase in Cairo.
  • Since Cairo: 324706 - Bitmap fonts don't render in cairo builds.
  • Since Cairo: 324560 - Can't see many Unicode characters in Cairo.
  • Since Jan 26 (FDL): [Mac] Opacity doesn't work. (Related to 325296. Cairo will fix.)
  • Since Jan 26 (FDL): 324819 - Fixed positioned elements now lag/flicker when scrolling.
  • Since Jan 26 (FDL): 324963 - [Windows] Menu highlight is broken/doesn't show up/not painted.

Trunk checkins between 2006-04-27 06:00 and 2006-04-29 06:00

Windows builds: Windows nightly, Windows hourly (discussion)

Linux builds: Linux nightly Linux hourly

Mac builds: Mac nightly, Mac hourly

7 Responses to “2006-04-29 Trunk builds”

  1. Thomas Says:

    Will the “Search engine manager” be included in Firefox 2 ?


  2. J. McNair Says:

    Now that there is a “Search Engine Manager”, it would make sense if it were included in the new “Addons Manager”. This would clean things up quite a bit, and make perfect sense to the end users, as a search engine is “just another add-on” anyway.

    Any way to bring this to the attention of the UI people?

  3. Thomas Lendo Says:

    Same thought as McNair. It would a good idea to include the “Search Engine Manager” – and a “Plugin Manager” too! – in the “Add-ons Manager” like AMO.

  4. Thomas Lendo Says:

    Bug report to McNair’s comment: move searchengine manager into addons manager

  5. Grador Says:

    [Import bookmarks from file doesn’t work]

    I don’t know if it is only in this or it is older, but when I try to import bookmars, select from file and click on next, nothing happen.

  6. Laender Says:

    I think so too, it would be nice if these were included.

  7. J. McNair Says:

    Thanks for filing the bug, Mr. Lendo.