2006-09-10 Trunk builds


  • Fixed: 258543 - Disabling form autocomplete prevents selecting from multiple saved logins.
  • Fixed: 70798 - Ability to have transparent background on popups.
  • Fixed: 266945 - Add confirm prompt for "Remove All" operation in Password Manager.
  • Fixed: 91312 - TITLE texts should follow the same BiDi directionality as the source object.
  • Fixed: 153104 - All ISO 3166 country codes should be in regionNames.properties.
  • Fixed: 346942 - Finalize anti-phishing UI.
  • Fixed: 332840 - DOMParser gets wrong principal if no JS on stack (reload all live bookmarks produces security error in console).
  • Fixed: 351514 - Finalize yield syntax to match ES4/JS2 proposal.
  • Fixed: 351515 - Require JavaScript 1.7 to be requested explicitly for "yield" and "let" to be keywords.

Fixes for recent regressions:

  • Fixed: 321973 - Context menu "Bookmark this link..." is broken.
  • Fixed: 329564 - Context-menu "Copy Image" doesn't work in cairo builds.
  • Fixed: 334064 - Cairo-gtk2 builds are unusably slow due to font code.
  • Fixed: 350046 - [FIX] The display of www.smh.com.au is a mess.
  • Fixed: 341524 - Make webapps session storage follow the cookie prefs.
  • Fixed: 347626 - Touchpad (two-finger) scrolling way too fast in trees. (Fixed by temporarily removing support for smooth touchpad scrolling.)
  • Fixed: 329715 - ROT13 anti-phishing stuff to avoid being flagged by antivirus software.
  • Fixed: 329237 - Firefox uninstaller fails on VC8 cairo builds (R6034 C runtime library).

Trunk regressions:

  • Since Cairo: 324560 - Can't see many Unicode characters in Cairo.
  • Since Jan 26 (FDL): 325296 - [Mac] Opacity doesn't work in HTML. (Switching to Cairo will fix this bug.)
  • Since Jan 26 (FDL): 324819 - Fixed positioned elements now lag/flicker when scrolling.
  • Since Jan 26 (FDL): 324963 - [Windows] Menu highlight is broken/doesn't show up/not painted.

Trunk checkins between 2006-08-17 06:00 and 2006-09-10 06:00

Windows builds: Windows nightly (discussion)

Linux builds: Linux nightly

Mac builds: Mac nightly

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