2009-08-17 Trunk builds
- Fixed: 485976 - Move writing sessionstore.js off the main thread. (Shawn's blog post)
- Fixed: 455555 - Use asynchronous queries for places autocomplete.
- Fixed: 478839 - Support South Korean SEED crypto cipher suites.
- Fixed: 489729 - [Windows] Clicking a tab once and then moving your mouse in a downward motion causes a new window to open.
- Fixed: 128647 - [Windows] Handler for WM_COPY/WM_CUT/WM_PASTE/WM_CLEAR.
- Fixed: 200505 - Optimization of jsref array_join_sub() function.
- Fixed: 504864 - mmap io for JARs.
- Fixed: 468011 - Combine all chrome into browser+toolkit jars.
- Fixed: 471997 - Add command line argument to start directly into Private Browsing mode.
- Fixed: 501257 - Implement HTML 5's HTMLElement.classList property.
- Fixed: 297467 - MathML menclose is not implemented.
Fixes for recent regressions:
- Fixed: 500349 - DOMParser no longer available in Greasemonkey scripts.
mozilla-central pushlog for 2009-08-07 04:00 to 2009-08-17 04:00