2010-02-09 Trunk builds
- Fixed: 178506 - Save original last-modified date on file downloads.
- Fixed: 462172 - Allow dragging files from download manager.
- Fixed: 500328 - Add support for HTML5 History.pushState(), History.replaceState() methods.
- Fixed: 522262 - Aero Peek shows progress circles instead of thumbnails/previews.
- Fixed: 41464 - textarea.wrap not exposed through DOM (IE compatability).
- Fixed: 517737 - Dragging of a route in Google Maps doesn't work properly.
- Fixed: 329212 - Display the <svg:title> as a tooltip.
- Fixed: 538440 - We never jit DOM workers.
- Fixed: 295506 - Hidden pref to change tab width in View Source.
Fixes for recent regressions:
- Fixed: 542263 - [OOPP] silverlight crashes eventually [@NPObjWrapper_NewResolve].
- Fixed: 543831 - [OOPP] hang with embedded youtube video.
Trunk regressions:
- Out-of-process plugins still the leading causes of trunk crashes on Windows and Linux. Please join the OOPP testdays, especially if you're noticing problems.
February 10th, 2010 at 11:59 am
It’s nice to finally see the simple-yet-potentially-very-useful SVG title feature, which was long missing. :-)
Will authors now become more sensitive and start annotating content, enabling part of the long-announced SVG accessibility features? Let’s see! ;-)
February 16th, 2010 at 5:08 am
Jesse, I think it would be a good thing to mention the recent change in SSL renegotiation brought about by CVE-2009-3555. As of build 20100208, Minefield produces an error when I try to log in to my bank:
Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to …..
Renegotiation is not allowed on this SSL socket.
(Error code: ssl_error_renegotiation_not_allowed)
Read more: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Security:Renegotiation .