2011-08-22 Trunk builds
- Fixed: 476430 - Make third-party add-ons disabled on startup, and allow users to activate them. (fligtar's post)
- Fixed: 596343 - Users should have exclusive control over selecting their add-ons.
- Fixed: 338427 - Spellchecker should respect @lang.
- Fixed: 505115 - CSS3 3D-Transforms.
- Fixed: 617528 - HTML5 contextmenu attribute.
- Fixed: 613662 - Implement insertAdjacentHTML.
- Fixed: 403524 - Implement CSS2.1 text-decoration rules for both quirks and standards modes.
- Fixed: 677582 - Implement CSS3 text-overflow: <left> <right>.
- Fixed: 664299 - Add crossorigin attribute.
- Fixed: 654352 - Add document.caretPositionFromPoint API.
- Fixed: 672829 - Land jsdbg2 branch in mozilla-central.
- Fixed: 660784 - Add the Orion source code editor to the browser.
- Fixed: 679475 - Turn on Orion by default in Scratchpad. (robcee's post)
- Fixed: 648683 - Expose restore-tabs-on-demand preference.
- Fixed: 648668 - Update blank document default favicon.
- Fixed: 440093 - Don't overwrite current tab when opening multiple bookmarks in tabs.
- Fixed: 595888 - Show file size when attempting to download a file.
- Fixed: 564900 - Add folder to Library sidebar specifically for downloads.
- Fixed: 481082 - Video controls should listen for |stalled| event.
- Fixed: 507361 - localStorage doesn't work in file:/// documents.
- Fixed: 578534 - navigator.cookieEnabled does not take exceptions into account.
- Fixed: 442186 - execCommand justify* fails on first line of contenteditable.
- Fixed: 668953 - [Mac] Support two-finger horizontal swipe on Lion.
- Fixed: 644733 - [Mac] Can't open new windows if any windows are on a secondary monitor & the monitors are not top-aligned.
- Fixed: 626448 - [Windows] Ctrl+E should focus web search input.
- Fixed: 580194 - [Windows] Tabbrowser icons or buttons are hard to see on mildly dark backgrounds (personas, glass, third-party OS themes).
- Fixed: 627084 - [Windows] UI becomes sluggish/does not redraw/repaint unless mouse is moved after long browsing sessions.
There were also some great memory use reductions and JavaScript speedups, which I haven't listed individually.
All changes between 2011-07-31 nightly and 2011-08-22 nightly (respin)