2006-04-16 Trunk builds
- Fixed: 308973 - Rebrand Firefox trunk builds to "Minefield".
- Fixed: 329180 - Places Popup.
- Fixed: 331522 - Don't use I'm Feeling Lucky search except where appropriate (e.g. address bar).
- Fixed: 263213 - Don't use I'm Feeling Lucky search when protocol (such as http:// or https://) specified.
- Fixed: 308204 - Null description in helper version info leaves Download Actions blank.
- Fixed: 332162 - Rewrite nsSVGLength.
- Fixed: 142502 - Wizard is broken for remote XUL.
- Fixed: 271669 - Crash [@ nsXULDocument::AttributeChanged] (#40 topcrash on trunk, #6 topcrash in Firefox
- Fixed: 334080 - Crash [@ nsStyleContext::GetStyleData] (#44 topcrash on trunk, #28 topcrash in Firefox
- Fixed: 261929 - Send URLs (except the query part) in UTF-8 by default.
- Fixed: 309761 - text-align: justify and text-decoration produces text with wrong underline.
- Fixed: 303008 - Firefox icon is not based on actual Firefox logo.
- Fixed: 301758 - [Mac] Click-and-hold shouldn't be interpreted as right-click.
- Fixed: 333653 - [Linux] Add hidden pref for choosing between always using the XUL filepicker, or using the GTK2 filepicker when it is available.
- Fixed: 29856 - [Linux] GTK2 Window Class the same for all mozilla windows.
Fixes for recent regressions:
- Fixed: 328598 - Places slow to shutdown. (Expire history as you browse for faster shutdown times.)
- Fixed: Now that Places doesn't write a bunch of stuff at shutdown, re-enable 0 fill for security.
- Fixed: Several livemark-related leaks.
- Fixed: 332873 - Dragging to a folder item in places fails (bookmarks are lost).
- Fixed: 331671 - ICO decoder doesn't handle alpha (transparency) properly (images wrongly drawn with black backgrounds).
- Fixed: 332939 - [Mac] Printing fails: once past the print set up page, the progress box sits idle.
- Fixed: 333250 - [Linux] Slow-path GTK2 native theme rendering is used too often.
Trunk regressions:
- Since Apr 11: 333697 - Gmail (https-only) won't properly load.
- Since VC8/Cairo: 328428 - Talkback causes (VC8) build to crash , win2k-only [@ ntdll.dll].
- Since VC8/Cairo: 332088 - [Windows] Updater tries to update a DLL it uses itself (msvcr80.dll).
- Since VC8/Cairo: 329237 - [Windows] Firefox uninstaller fails.
- Since Cairo: 330715 - Cairo incorrectly substitutes fonts and then bolds them incorrectly (incorrect fonts on Burning Edge bug lists).
- Since Cairo: 324707 - Some animated gifs including the throbber don't animate.
- Since Cairo: 324706 - Bitmap fonts don't render in cairo builds.
- Since Cairo: 324560 - Can't see many Unicode characters in Cairo.
- Since Cairo: 328241 - Anti-aliasing problem with joining borders.
- Since Jan 31: 324961 - Live bookmark is shown in UTF8 even if should be ISO-8859-1.
- Since Jan 26 (FDL): [Mac] Opacity doesn't work. (Related to 325296. Cairo will fix.)
- Since Jan 26 (FDL): 324819 - Fixed positioned elements now lag/flicker when scrolling.
- Since Jan 26 (FDL): 324963 - [Windows] Menu highlight is broken/doesn't show up/not painted.
Trunk checkins between 2006-04-08 06:00 and 2006-04-16 06:00
Windows nightly,
Windows hourly
Linux nightly
Linux hourly (now from argo, not from prometheus?)
April 16th, 2006 at 9:41 am
The link for ‘Fixed: 328598’ is incorrect.
April 16th, 2006 at 10:19 am
Oops. Link fixed.