2007-09-22 Trunk builds
- Fixed: 379633 - Scriptable zipwriter component.
- Fixed: 384186 - Microformats API.
- Fixed: 321000 - Search bar should replace newlines in pasted text with spaces.
- Fixed: 280419 - When a temporary file is created from the download manager it should be readonly.
- Fixed: 364035 - Permit loading external spellcheck engine from libspellcheck.
- Fixed: 391266 - With color management on, Acid2 face looks like a bankrobber.
- Fixed: 395942 - Mitigate the QuickTime media-link flaw ("quicktime pwns firefox").
- Fixed: 396300 - Put unfiled-bookmarks under their own root.
- Fixed: 301972 - Change dialog label from "Save to Disk" to "Save File".
- Fixed: 394037 - Bump trunk version to Gecko 1.9a9 / Firefox 3.0a9 now that Alpha 8 has been released.
- Fixed: 395045 - Time out old bfcached documents after 20-30 minutes.
- Fixed: 394442 - Perf: Optimize ID, class and style getters.
- Fixed: 394691 - Perf: Make nsTArray not do default initialization for POD elements.
- Fixed: 392263 - Perf: Using CPU pages as GC arenas.
- Fixed: 394887 - Perf: Consider creating widgets for nsMenuPopupFrames lazily.
- Fixed: 394346 - [Mac] Allow for named notifications with nsIAlertsService (for Growl).
- Fixed: 395397 - [Mac] New appshell (process Gecko events on demand in Cocoa widgets).
- Fixed: 218214 - [Mac] New windows positioning partly offscreen.
Fixes for recent regressions:
- Fixed: 393681 - New file listing makes poor use of space, truncates filenames.
- Fixed: 382074 - View Source after document.write tries to show (wyciwyg) UTF-16 using the previous page's charset.
- Fixed: 377336 - [Windows] Hang when printing.
- Fixed: 380026 - [Mac] "text-decoration: underline" for CJK characters is positioned higher than expected.
- Fixed: 394832 - [Mac] Underline too close to text.
Trunk regressions:
- Since Sept 17: 396477 - DM renames many files with double extension, e.g. filename.exe.exe.
- Since ~Aug 28: 394079 - Location bar autocomplete hangs after first character is typed, regardless of speed of character input.
Trunk checkins between 2007-09-08 04:00 and 2007-09-22 04:00
September 24th, 2007 at 3:43 am
Nice to see all those fixed perf bugs!