2004-10-21 Branch builds

  • Fixed: 265103 - Linux build crashes on startup (since Oct 19).
  • Fixed: 264786 - Un-highlight doesn't work on sites with iframes (since ~Oct 16).
  • Fixed: 263845 - [Windows] Firefox unregisters Internet Explorer as default browser even when Firefox isn't the default browser.
  • Fixed: 247507 - Make Venkman work on Aviary branch.
  • Fixed: 262262 - Favicon.ico requested every time tab selected if doesn't exist.
  • Fixed: 258917 - Disable sites reloading onresize. (Many sites reload onresize to work around bugs in Netscape 4. This caused problems in Firefox due to tabs, the Find bar, and information bars.)
  • Fixed: 265150 - Extend selection in History sidebar only when mouse pointer is not in text region.
  • Fixed: 265039 - Middle-clicking history items no longer opens them in new tabs.
  • Fixed: 265055 - Security hole: Textarea.select() can steal focus from other tabs.
  • Fixed: 264265 - [Mac/Windows] Security risk: Don't launch any helper apps by default.
  • Fixed: 265068 - Null dereference crash in nsFormControlHelper::GetType (found by mangler).
  • Fixed: 249654 - [Linux] Open finished download not working on linux.
  • Fixed: [Windows] Regression: View for paints can vary across platforms.
  • Fixed: 258884 - [Windows] Bring back chrome bar below tabs in the default theme.
  • Since Oct 19: 265135 - Can't install extensions from https://update.mozilla.org/.

Windows builds: Official Windows, Official Windows installer (discussion), bangbang's, moox's

Linux builds: Official Linux, Official Linux installer

Mac builds: Official Mac

8 Responses to “2004-10-21 Branch builds”

  1. motobass Says:

    Bug 263845 resembles more a security feature than a bug.

  2. anonymous Says:


    Many of the problems encountered since the RC have been fixed, we’r getting close to the final release!

  3. Rirath Says:

    Fixed: 258884 – [Windows] Bring back chrome bar below tabs in the default theme.

    Call me crazy, but hoorah! The lack of anything separating the current / active tab from the page being viewed was the one and only thing bugging me about the default theme.

  4. digifool Says:

    Strangely if I right click a link and select Open Link in New Tab all I get is a blank new tab. If I go back to an earlier build everything is fine.

    Have I cocked something up?

  5. mpm Says:

    258917 is GREAT! Suck it, washingtonpost.com!

  6. Anonymous Says:

    > Many of the problems encountered since the RC have been fixed, we’r getting close to the final release!
    You mean PR not RC…

  7. anonymous Says:

    Look under help-about, the version reads RC

  8. Anonymous Coward Says:

    But if you want to download it, it’s PR.
