2004-11-12 Trunk builds
I'm comparing this build to 1.0 from the Aviary branch, so I'm not listing fixes and regressions. See the previous Burning Edge post for a comparison between the branch and trunk.
Official Windows,
Official Windows installer
BlueFyre's O2 G7 SSE
November 13th, 2004 at 5:56 am
well the installer seemed to go smoothly, starting it gives me some errors tho. But it still works. I get some xpcom errors if i’m not mistaken
November 13th, 2004 at 9:12 am
This build is much faster with DHTML than Firefox 1.0, and I think it is generally faster in loading pages too. I tried a javascript benchmark (http://www.24fun.com/downloadcenter/benchjs/benchjs.html) with Fx 1.0 and I got 53.68 seconds, then I tried it with this build and I got 39.64 seconds !!! (MacOS X, 800 MHz G4)
November 13th, 2004 at 3:01 pm
1.0 release and I got 33.88 seconds:)
November 14th, 2004 at 6:08 am
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041110 Firefox/1.0
noname, Firefox 1.x, Windows 2000 Server, 1.00-1.09GHz 20.07 seconds, Nov 14, at 06:06:56
ranking: 282 out of 502 testers
November 14th, 2004 at 5:24 pm
Firefox 1.0, Windows XP, 3 GHz
11.86 seconds
November 14th, 2004 at 6:45 pm
Just fyi you need to A)make sure all javacript options are turn on and b) popups are enabled. Otherwise it doesn’t work correctly.
Unfortunately as much as I like firefox its still dog slow in many respects.
my results PIII 7000
Firefox 1.0 78.36
IE 6.0 XP SP2 50.1
Next up I guess I’ll try this new build to see if I can confirm the new builds speed.