Milton is a $25 Windows program that lets you search for pornographic images in several ways. Milton lets you search using keywords and domains, but its most innovative feature is its ability to search for images galleries using an image. Milton searches for galleries containing the given image. This allows you to find all of the photos from a set even when no one gallery contains all of the photos. If you try Milton for a few minutes, you'll be surprised how common it is for galleries to contain incomplete photo sets.
You can instruct Milton to search for galleries containing similar images, not just the same image, but this tends to produce inaccurate results.
This extension adds "MILTON Image Search" to image context menus and "MILTON Keyword Search" to context menus for selected text. To protect your privacy, there is an option in Milton to hide the context menu items (but not the extension itself) when Milton isn't running.
I created this extension for MiltonSoft.
I right-clicked on the second image from this gallery and selected "MILTON Image Search".
Milton found two galleries from the same set as the first gallery: one at and one at I was then able to find a fourth gallery, at by using Mitlon to search for one of the images in the second gallery. Each of the four galleries contained at least several photos of Karen and Amy that the others did not.
This extension comes with Milton, so the best way to get this extension is to purchase or download a trial version of Milton. You can, however, install Milton Integration 1.0.2 separately. The extension requires Firefox 0.9 through 1.0, and it requires Milton 1.0 or higher.
I tested Milton on about a dozen galleries I found through, a TGP that links to non-nude galleries. I chose a non-nude TGP for two reasons. First, non-nude images make less offensive examples. Second, non-nude sites tend to feature women with beautiful faces.
Milton found additional photos from sets for about a quarter of the galleries I tried. The additional photos were usually on galleries on different sites.