Tired of clicking hundreds of links to porn galleries without being able to tell which ones will be good? Thumbs takes the guesswork out of porn surfing by showing the first thumbnail from each linked gallery.
Click the Thumbs button while viewing a page that links to porn galleries, click the links to the galleries that look good, and enjoy.
Use Thumbs on thumbnail gallery posts such as this one:

Thumbs shows the first thumbnail from each linked gallery:

Install Thumbs 1.0.1, which works in Firefox 3.0 through Firefox 3.6.
Once you have Thumbs installed, you can use it in two ways:
- Click the toolbar button. (To add the toolbar button to your toolbar after installing Thumbs, right-click a toolbar, select "Customize...", and drag the "Thumbs" button to your toolbar.)
- Select some links, right-click, and select "Show Thumbs from Selected Links".
- You can choose whether Thumbs opens in a window or in a tab. To open in a window, left-click the toolbar button. To open in a tab, middle-click or ctrl+click the button. This works for the context menu item too (at least on Windows and Linux).
- Thumbs skips visited links unless you click the "Show visited links" button at the bottom.
- There is also a "Mark all links as visited" button at the bottom. (Tip: Click this button so the next time you use Thumbs on the TGP, only the new galleries will appear.)
- Thumbs skips Google Cache URLs and Google "Similar Pages" URLs, so it works great on Google searches for galleries in addition to TGPs.
- Thumbs strips out TGP redirects and loads gallery URLs directly (like using the "remove redirects" bookmarklet).
- Thumbs guesses which image links are thumbnails based on the file extension of the link and how much of the link URL matches the gallery URL.
Praise for Thumbs
- "Next to the browser itself (and maybe the GIMP) this is the most useful piece of free software I've ever seen." -- Curtis
- "The best thing to happen to porn viewing since 'imgv'" -- Anonymous visitor
Test sites
Thumbs should work with:
- TGPs with text links
- TGPs with (small) image links
- Search engine results
There is also a Thumbs regression test suite.
- Is Thumbs open-source?
Thumbs is open-source except for the name and icons. The code is tri-licensed under the GPL, LGPL, and MPL. To see the source, unzip thumbs.xpi and then unzip chrome/thumbs.jar.
- Is Thumbs secure?
I hope so, because I don't want malicious porn sites to take over my computer. If you find a critical security hole in Thumbs, I will give you $50. Mozilla Bug Bounty rules apply, except the ones that don't make sense for an extension.
- What other Firefox extensions are there for porn surfing?
Pornzilla has a list of bookmarklets and extensions for porn surfing.
- Who is the perv behind Thumbs?
I am Jesse Ruderman, a frequent contributor to Firefox. You can contact me at or AIM: JesseRud.
Several members of #bs helped me by testing pre-release versions and providing useful feedback. jX designed and created the icons and made them meet my ever-changing specifications.
Thumbs 1.0.1 (2009-11-10)
- Use fewer global variables in XUL overlay to avoid conflicts with other extensions.
Thumbs 1.0 (2009-11-05)
- Switch to unjarred chrome.
- Switch from contents.rdf to chrome.manifest (required for Firefox 3.6).
- Switch the singleton from a component to a module.
Thumbs 0.7 (2008-11-30)
- Made it work with galleries that use <base href>.
- Made it allow https URLs.
- Dropped support for Firefox 1.0.x (lose DOM paranoia, use only the newer history interface).
Thumbs 0.6.5 (2008-04-11)
- Ported the build script to Mac, bumped maxVersion to 3.0pre.
Thumbs 0.6.4 (2006-11-28)
- Removed some dump() statements that caused console noise on Mac OS X.
Thumbs 0.6.3 (2006-02-19)
- Fixed XHTML vs. HTML confusion that prevented Thumbs from working in Firefox trunk builds (see bug 327796). Note that due to AMO policy, Thumbs still has a maxVersion of 1.5.0.*, so to use it on trunk you'll still need NTT or something similar.
Thumbs 0.6.2 (2006-01-15)
- Fixed a domwindow leak in nsIThumbsSingleton.
Thumbs 0.6.1 (2005-11-30)
- Fixed some memory leaks (maybe).
Thumbs 0.6 (2005-08-03)
- Added an Options window. (This feature requires Deer Park Alpha 2 or higher. If you are using Firefox 1.0.6, you will see an XML parsing error if you try to open the Thumbs option window.)
- Added a maximum width for thumbnails in order to keep a useless banner-shaped image from taking up an entire row of thumbnails. (In Firefox 1.0.6, this change causes images that are both tall and wide to scale incorrectly due to bug 234686. Luckily, such huge thumbnails are rare.)
Thumbs 0.5 (2005-05-23)
- Default to opening the Thumbs page in a tab instead of in a window (context menu item and toolbar).
- Added hidden options for whether to open things in tabs or windows.
- Added hidden options for height of items.
- Fixed some JavaScript Strict warnings.
- Works in Firefox 1.0.6. (This item was added to the changelog on 2005-08-01, well after I released Thumbs 0.5. I don't know what change I made in Thumbs makes it work in Firefox 1.0.6.)
Thumbs 0.4.3 (2005-01-29)
- Added Brazilian Portuguese translation by Fernando Pereira Silveira. If you use Thumbs with the pt-BR version of Firefox, Thumbs will automatically use Portuguese instead of English.
Thumbs 0.4.1 (2004-11-20)
- Remove incorrect warning when third-party images are disabled. (Thanks to Sprakster for pointing out this bug. The warning was correct for Firefox 0.9 but it is incorrect for Firefox 1.0 and trunk.)
Thumbs 0.4 (2004-11-18)
- Added "Show Thumbs from Selected Links" to the selection context menu. Right-click after selecting some links to use this feature. This makes Thumbs more convenient and more discreet. (Suggested by Gammexane, who also helped me add the icon to the context menu item.)
- Make normal clicks (and accidental Alt+clicks) on links to galleries open the links in new tabs.
Thumbs 0.3.1 (2004-11-15)
- Make "Mark all links as visited" work on the trunk (IDL change).
Thumbs 0.3 (2004-11-14)
- Make it so middle-clicking or Ctrl+clicking the Thumbs button opens Thumbs in a new tab (Firefox 1.0PR+ required). A normal click still opens Thumbs in a new window.
- Worked around Tabbrowser Extensions' "Single Window Mode" wackiness. Thumbs no longer completely breaks with that Tabbrowser Extensions setting.
Make links to galleries use target="_blank", so they open in a new window or tab.
- Text in the extension is now localizable.
Thumbs 0.2 (2004-09-10)
- If the TGP includes several links to the same gallery, only load the first one. (Many TGPs include duplicate links. For example, Sublime Directory has a "new window" link for each gallery in addition to the normal link.)
- Tweak default load speeds to be a little faster.
- Add hidden prefs for load speeds. Use about:config to change them.
- extensions.thumbs.numImmediate: The number of galleries to load immediately. Default 10.
- extensions.thumbs.delay.milliseconds: How long to wait between starting each subsequent gallery request. Default 90ms.
- Warn when images
or third-party images are disabled. (Thanks, Leo.)
- Hide the toolbar button in pop-up windows. (Thanks, Doron.)
Thumbs 0.1.1 (2004-09-06)
- Don't break when history.dat is read-only. (Thanks, Tristor.)
Thumbs 0.1 (2004-08-28)
Known bugs
- Doesn't work with framed TGPs.
- Doesn't work with galleries that redirect (if the thumbnail images have relative URLs).
- Doesn't work with framed galleries.
- Thumbs parses gallery HTML using regular expressions instead of a DOM parser, because DOMParser only parses XML (bug 102699).
- Thumbs does not automatically add a button to your toolbar upon installation due to bug 242071. After installing, you have to right-click a toolbar, select "Customize...", and drag the "Thumbs" button to your toolbar.
Possible features for future versions
- Add Thumbs item to Tools menu.
- Make TGP URL a link.
- Add direct-manipulation UI for adjusting maximum height and width of thumbnails.
- Experiment with an inline-block layout, once Firefox supports inline-block (bug 9458).
- Indicate the filename and/or extension of the target image or video clip for each link, or at least indicate whether it's an image or a video clip.
- Option to show text of text links in addition to thumbnails.
- Option to show a random thumb from each gallery instead of the first.
- Option to show more than one thumb from each gallery.
- When a gallery does not have thumbnails, look for a link to an image (but not a video clip) and display the image itself as a thumbnail. (For browsing directories, etc.)
- Include/exclude links based on URL or link text, globally or once.