Now powered by WordPress

This blog and The Burning Edge are now powered by WordPress rather than Movable Type. I'll write more about the switch soon.

6 Responses to “Now powered by WordPress”

  1. Laurens Holst Says:

    Let’s just say that I noticed, in Planet Mozilla :).

  2. vfwlkr Says:

    Looks like all your archives were imported into wordpress as well.. sounds good. I’d love to hear the details on how it worked out for you, and if you had to tweak wordpress to be file-compatible with MT.

  3. ryanfb Says:

    I’ve just started my blog with MT since it seemed to be the most popular solution, but I’m thinking of switching it over to WordPress for its licensing. I look forward to reading about how it went as well.

  4. Alexey Chernyak Says:

    Improved look and I’m sure features as well, but usability of the Burning Edge page has gone down for me. It’s too narrow for my 1600×1200 screen. Before I had every bug entry have it’s own line, and I’d have 2 days worth of fixed/unfixed bugs on my screen. Now even a day’s worth of fixed bugs doesn’t fit, and it’s hard to judge how many of them there are because of all bug description wordwrapping.

  5. Simplex Says:

    I’d also second grabbing a new theme. Possibly a fluid one, rather than a fixed-width one. (Though this is stylish!)

    You can find WordPress’ single-click activation themes here:

  6. Block Sheep Says:

    I just started using WP this semester, and just did a (painless, easy, quick) upgrade from v1.2 — here’s my two interesting finds for modding it (painlessly, easily, and quickly)

    If you want to change your header, this is cool:
    What is Kubrickr? Kubrickr is a tool that lets you replace that giant blue blob at the top of your WordPress 1.5 blog with a nice photo from Flickr.

    If you want to stop spam, I like:
    Meyerweb: WordPress Tools: WP-Gatekeeper