Mars Society t-shirts
- Mars Society Toronto: "Mars: Object is closer than it appears". This shirt and the next one are my favorites.
- "It's not what you drive. It's what drives you." The shirt has a photo of a Mars rover. I saw this shirt at the 2001 Mars Society convention at Stanford but I don't know which chapter made it.
- Mars Society San Diego: "It's not just for robots".
- Mars Society Canada: Maple leaf window into Mars.
- Mars Society Winnipeg: "Who wants to climb Olympus Mons?"; Plain with small logo.
- Mythic Creations / Mars Society Northern California: various.
I want a shirt that says "Because it's there" under a large photo of Mars.
December 19th, 2003 at 1:11 am
Two people are selling “University of Mars” shirts: