These are some of the money exchange services that might eventually work with a tip bookmarklet.
To work with a bookmarklet, a service must support donation links by e-mail address and allow a recipient to open an account after money is sent. As far as I know, so far only Yahoo! PayDirect supports both of these features.
This table is very outdated.
Paypal (tipee has personal account) | Paypal (tipee has premier account) | Amazon Honor System | Ecount | Western Union MoneyZap | Yahoo! PayDirect | |
Fees | No fees | Tipee pays 30¢ for up to $15 tip (not listed on site FAQ) | Tipee pays 15% plus 15¢ | $1 to put any amount of money in, free to tip, $1 to take money out. | $1/mo for an inactive account; legal fees related to collection | No fees |
Minimum tip | 1¢ | 1¢ | $1 | $1 | $1 | 1¢ |
"Donation" links containing e-mail address | No | Yes | Random string instead of address | No | User ID instead of address | Yes. Links also contain name of tipee, but name isn't checked. |
Tipee can open account after tip is sent | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
"Remember Login" option | Username only | Username only | Yes | No | No | Username and one of two passwords |
Countries | US, 25 others | US, 25 others | US-based CC/debit and US-based checking account | US | US | US-based CC or debit card |
© 2000-2007 Jesse Ruderman ( Feedback is welcome.
Last modified March 23, 2001.