Archive for the 'Porn' Category

Pornzilla update

Saturday, December 3rd, 2005

I added 5 extensions to Pornzilla. The new extensions are:

  • Browse Images - Use the Forward button or Alt+Shift+Right to go to the next image.
  • Location Navigator - Select a portion of a URL that varies, then navigate up or down.
  • Launchy - Open links to video files in an external player, streaming, so you can watch a video without waiting to download it. (Note that not all video players support streaming video; for example, WinAmp 5.111 hangs. VLC works well. Here's my launchy.xml for VLC.)
  • MediaPlayerConnectivity - Open embedded video in an external player, so you can use features like Full Screen.
  • Image Zoom - Convenient shortcuts for zooming images.

I also moved extensions that don't work in Firefox 1.5 yet onto a separate page. (I wrote a Greasemonkey script to help me determine which extensions had been updated for Firefox 1.5.)

Opera – Naked Joy of Surfing

Tuesday, November 30th, 2004

Aamuli writes:

Yes, yes, I gladly admit that this idea is stolen from Pornzilla project which claims that "Firefox is the best porn browser". I beg to differ so I present to you: Opera - Naked Joy of Surfing!

Firefox extension for porn: Thumbs

Saturday, August 28th, 2004

Tired of clicking hundreds of text links in TGPs just to get to the 10% of galleries with the good stuff? Thumbs shows the first thumbnail from each linked gallery, so you can just middle-click the ones you want.

Porn sites recommend Firefox

Saturday, August 21st, 2004


IMPORTANT-Make sure you read this before using links on this page. Due to the ever increasing amount of nasty scripts and spyware being installed on peoples computers the ONLY browser I recommend for these links is FireFox.


U.S. Department of Homeland Security recommends not using Microsoft's Internet Explorer because of security vulnerabilities... More details.

Get Firefox


this site is optimized for mozilla firefox because internet explorer is gay. in fact, if you use IE, you have a 93% chance of getting AIDS. if you already have AIDS, you will get cancer instead.

Thanks to Asa for some of these links.

Update Sept 25, 2004: As part of my efforts to promote Pornzilla, I asked these sites to link to Pornzilla in addition to Firefox.

Pornbar for Firefox

Sunday, August 1st, 2004

Inspired by the Bible Toolbar extension for Firefox, Billistic made Pornbar. Sadly, he based his extension on the Eurekster toolbar, not the Bible Toolbar.

Update August 15: Pornbar is now listed on the Pornzilla site.

Pornzilla update

Friday, April 23rd, 2004

I updated Pornzilla today. I rewrote the introduction and the About Pornzilla section. I also wrote and added some search bookmarklets, including one that searches Google for pages on the same site that have the same title.

Pornzilla is back!

Monday, February 2nd, 2004

The goal of the Pornzilla project is to make Mozilla into a great porn browser. We contribute to Mozilla directly, promote bookmarklets and extensions that enhance porn surfing, and maintain a list of bugs that impact porn surfing.