Extensions for older versions of Firefox
Extensions that don't work with Firefox 2.0.0.x are listed here instead of on the main Pornzilla page.
I recommend always using the latest version of Firefox, especially when visiting sites you don't trust, because you're much less likely to be vulnerable to publicly known security holes. This page exist mostly for historical purposes, and to remind me to check periodically to see whether these extensions have been updated.
- linkvisitor - mark all links as visited, etc. Works well in combination with the "hide visited" bookmarklet.
- Magpie - multiple porn-related features, including saving all tabs.
- Digger - Navigate to parent directories in URLs, etc.
- flipper - browse and download galleries of images by defining a gallery range and an image range.
- spiderzilla (defunct web site) - Download entire web sites.
- PaNIC - hides porn quickly.
- Pornbar - search for porn using Searchgalleries.
- mozImage - Browse images on hard drive or view them in a slideshow.
- Image Zoom - Convenient shortcuts for zooming images. (Still exists, but no longer needed, since Firefox can zoom images now.)
- Super DragAndGo - Drag a link to open it in a new tab; drag an image to save it.
- spooFX - similar to refspoof
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